
Quality-by-Design III: Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to Monitor Roller Compaction In-process and Product Quality Attributes of Immediate Release Tablets

The objective of this study is to use near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) coupled with multivariate chemometric models to monitor granule and tablet quality attributes in the formulation development and manufacturing of ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (CIP) immediate release tablets. Critical roller compaction process parameters, compression force (CFt), and formulation variables identified from our earlier studies were evaluated in more detail. Multivariate principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square (PLS) models were developed during the development stage and used as a control tool to predict the quality of granules and tablets. Validated models were used to monitor and control batches manufactured at different sites to assess their robustness to change. The results showed that roll pressure (RP) and CFt played a critical role in the quality of the granules and the finished product within the range tested. Replacing binder source did not statistically influence the quality attributes of the granules and tablets. However, lubricant type has significantly impacted the granule size. Blend uniformity, crushing force, disintegration time during the manufacturing was predicted using validated PLS regression models with acceptable standard error of prediction (SEP) values, whereas the models resulted in higher SEP for batches obtained from different manufacturing site. From this study, we were able to identify critical factors which could impact the quality attributes of the CIP IR tablets. In summary, we demonstrated the ability of near-infrared spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics as a powerful tool to monitor critical quality attributes (CQA) identified during formulation development.

A Systematic Approach of Employing Quality by Design Principles: Risk Assessment and Design of Experiments to Demonstrate Process Understanding and Identify the Critical Process Parameters for Coating of the Ethylcellulose Pseudolatex Dispersion Using Non-Conventional Fluid Bed Process

The goal of this study was to utilize risk assessment techniques and statistical design of experiments (DoE) to gain process understanding and to identify critical process parameters for the manufacture of controlled release multiparticulate beads using a novel disk-jet fluid bed technology. The material attributes and process parameters were systematically assessed using the Ishikawa fish bone diagram and failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) risk assessment methods. The high risk attributes identified by the FMEA analysis were further explored using resolution V fractional factorial design. To gain an understanding of the processing parameters, a resolution V fractional factorial study was conducted. Using knowledge gained from the resolution V study, a resolution IV fractional factorial study was conducted; the purpose of this IV study was to identify the critical process parameters (CPP) that impact the critical quality attributes and understand the influence of these parameters on film formation. For both studies, the microclimate, atomization pressure, inlet air volume, product temperature (during spraying and curing), curing time, and percent solids in the coating solutions were studied. The responses evaluated were percent agglomeration, percent fines, percent yield, bead aspect ratio, median particle size diameter (d50), assay, and drug release rate. Pyrobuttons® were used to record real-time temperature and humidity changes in the fluid bed. The risk assessment methods and process analytical tools helped to understand the novel disk-jet technology and to systematically develop models of the coating process parameters like process efficiency and the extent of curing during the coating process.

Quality by design I: application of failure mode effect analysis (FMEA) and Plackett-Burman design of experiments in the identification of “main factors” in the formulation and process design space for roller-compacted ciprofloxacin hydrochloride immediate-release tablets.

As outlined in the ICH Q8(R2) guidance, identifying the critical quality attributes (CQA) is a crucial part of dosage form development; however, the number of possible formulation and processing factors that could influence the manufacturing of a pharmaceutical dosage form is enormous obviating formal study of all possible parameters and their interactions. Thus, the objective of this study is to examine how quality risk management can be used to prioritize the number of experiments needed to identify the CQA, while still maintaining an acceptable product risk profile. To conduct the study, immediate-release ciprofloxacin tablets manufactured via roller compaction were used as a prototype system. Granules were manufactured using an Alexanderwerk WP120 roller compactor and tablets were compressed on a Stokes B2 tablet press. In the early stages of development, prior knowledge was systematically incorporated into the risk assessment using failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). The factors identified using FMEA were then followed by a quantitative assessed using a Plackett–Burman screening design. Results show that by using prior experience, literature data, and preformulation data the number of experiments could be reduced to an acceptable level, and the use of FMEA and screening designs such as the Plackett Burman can rationally guide the process of reducing the number experiments to a manageable level.

Phenol sensitization of DNA to subsequent oxidative damage in 8-hydroxyguanine assays

The DNA base adduct, 8-hydroxyguanine (8-OHGua), has been reported to be a key biomarker relevant to carcinogenesis and cellular oxidative stress important in tumor promotion. Although investigators often report artificially high levels of 8-OHGua in DNA samples that have been exposed to phenol solutions and/or air during processing, few quantitative results are available. We show that routine phenol-based DNA purification procedures can increase 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) levels 20-fold in samples that are exposed to air after the phenol is removed from the solutions. Surprisingly, air exposure alone accounts for a significant portion of this increase (4-fold) when compared to dG or DNA samples that have been solubilized in buffers purged with nitrogen. Most importantly, phenol treatments of DNA are shown to sensitize DNA to 8-OHdG formation by subsequent exposures to air. The sensitization of DNA occurs even though extensive dialysis is used between phenol treatment and enzymatic DNA digestion. Alternate procedures, including chlorofornrisoamyl-alcohol extractions, also yield air-sensitive DNA samples. Other artifacts of organic extraction prior to air exposure include alterations in DNA base ratios after nuclease digestions. Overall, these results strongly suggest that studies of 8-OHdG in carcinogenesis should avoid dry conditions, such as lyophilization followed by exposure to air, and that all four of the bases should be monitored before 8-OHdG concentrations are normalized by undamaged deoxynucleoside concentrations. Failure to heed these precautions can lead to 2- to 20-fold overestimates of 8-OHdG in target tissues or in vitro models.'